Welcome to Drivers Behaving Badly

Have you ever wondered why, despite the fact that everyone knows how dangerous and deadly it is, 75% of drivers text and drive? Or drink and drive, or drive like they’re auditioning for a Fast and Furious movie? Me too. I’m Marisa Auguste, a research associate at the Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center (CTSRC) at the University of Connecticut. My primary focus is conducting research of motor vehicle crashes and determining how human behavior influences crash risk. The purpose of this blog is to promote self-awareness and reflection in your every day transportation habits, and to explore the latest developments in social science research in traffic safety. As I continue my research, I will be sharing with you the underlying traffic psychology behind what causes certain behavioral actions and emotional reactions when behind the wheel. If we can understand why people do what they do, we have the power to change our behavior and make our roads a safer place.

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